Saturday 11 December 2010

Skyline Club of Malaysia's Family Day BBQ

Thanks to the efforts of Azmir Zainuddin, PIMPIN and Feedzya, Malaysian Skyline owners (myself included) had an awesome day today in Janda Baik. The trio had organised a BBQ for the club and it was a great way to end the year in the company of like minded people & friends. 

At last count, there were:
1 x R33 GTR
2 x R32 GTR
3 x R34 GTR
3 x R33 GTS
4 x R32 GTS
6 x R34 GTT

The Petronas station after the Karak Highway Toll (where I met up with the convoy, some 18 Skylines in a pack!)

The convoy making our way to Janda Baik (I was third from the front by this time)

The road got a little bit twisty as we got nearer to the BBQ venue

Then it got a little bit more smaller as we got closer to our destination

It was a very scenic drive as the lush greenery around us made it not so much a journey but more of an adventure

Finally arrived at the venue and being welcomed by our generous host hehe!

The boys slowly getting their cars parked as we prepared to head on down to the BBQ area and the river - it was awesome to see so many Skylines together

Holy Skylines Batman!

Everyone parked and we slowly made our way into the house

We were greeted with this sight - a great BBQ chill out area and a lovely river in which the kids (there were some 'big' ones mind you) to swim in

The lovely venue which is a private home of one of the club members - it was very kind of him to open it up and made arrangements for the BBQ

The food that Azmir and the boys had brought with them were being cooked - smelled heavenly!
There was more awesome food being cooked but this was my only shot of the feast as I was too busy eating to take more pictures!

It was Azmir's birthday today and so his wife along with PIMPIN surprised him with a birthday cake! :) Happy birthday again dude!

All good things must come to an end and we slowly started to line up as a convoy for the drive back to KL

... not before an impromptu night run along the twisty b-roads of Janda Baik! Felt really good to be doing it with other Skylines!

Thanks again boys! Was a great day that ended well and looking forward to the next event!


  1. That was fast! This kinda ruins my own blog entry man. Very succinct, but you captured everything!

  2. Nonsense. I'm looking forward to your blog entry and so is everyone! Mine is just a preview to yours!
