Tuesday 14 December 2010

R33 GTR Upgrades: Nissan Factory R33 GTR Series III Xenon Headlights

The Nissan Skyline GT-R R33, codenamed BCNR33, was first launched in 1995. The car went through three stages or three series of variations before production ended in 1998. My BCNR33 is a Series II according to it's build plate and tell tale exterior features.

In February 1997, the Series III adopted xenon headlights. Now as you might already well know, most car nowadays feature this lighting technology as it makes things easier to see in the dark. It also makes the car appear "cooler" what with the clean and crisp white lights. Hence, I wanted to get a set of Series III headlights for my Series II.

Unfortunately, they aren't easy to source but fortunately, thanks to Eu Jin from JDM Auto Link, I was able to get my hands on a set. Wasn't cheap though but these are rare as hens teeth. Had to wait for a month plus but here they are (thanks Eu Jin!):

 Here they are being installed and its almost plug & play

So from that ...

 ... to this!

Definitely money well spent and it totally changes the way the car looks. Somewhat more refreshed and updated. Not to mention the brightness and clarity of the xenons are really night and day from the old halogens (something I've experienced with my other cars), hence this improves safety and motoring vision. 

Very happy with how this upgrade turned out.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Post a daytime pic then only can see those beautiful globes.
